In a dramatic twist, Meghan Markle’s recent tour of Colombia, alongside Prince Harry, has sparked fresh controversy, this time centered around her high-profile meeting with Colombia’s Vice President, Francia Márquez, and her husband, Rafael Yidilio. What should have been a diplomatic exchange has quickly turned into a spectacle, with Meghan’s signature double-handed embrace of Márquez becoming the focal point of online gossip. The image, which seemed to scream, “Look at me, I’m doing something good,” has left many questioning the sincerity of Markle’s public gestures.

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Francia Márquez, Colombia’s first Black Vice President, is celebrated for her grassroots activism and fierce advocacy for racial and environmental justice. Her rise to political power has made her a symbol of hope for many marginalized communities in Colombia. However, the warmth of her meeting with Markle contrasts sharply with the apparent discomfort of Márquez’s husband, Yidilio, whose poker-faced expression in every photo seemed to convey his wish to be anywhere but there. His body language, captured in the viral images, suggests a deep disapproval of the visit, which some have interpreted as a circus-like spectacle.

Behind the scenes, rumors swirl about Meghan’s conduct during the tour. Known for her temperamental nature, some speculate that she may have thrown a royal fit, bossing people around and acting as though her presence was a gift to Colombia. This isn’t the first time Meghan has been accused of orchestrating her public appearances to create impeccable photo opportunities while leaving a trail of discontent.

The authenticity of Meghan’s connection with Márquez is also under scrutiny. While the meeting might appear to be a convergence of minds committed to social justice, critics argue that Meghan’s history of aligning herself with influential figures without thoroughly vetting their backgrounds could lead to yet another misstep. Comparisons have been drawn to Prince Andrew’s ill-fated association with Jeffrey Epstein, highlighting the potential risks of questionable alliances.

Adding to the controversy is the ongoing debate over Meghan’s racial identity. Despite her mixed-race heritage, she has often been criticized for embracing a predominantly white lifestyle, starkly contrasted by Márquez’s proud celebration of her African roots. This difference in racial presentation has only deepened skepticism about Meghan’s motivations in aligning herself with Márquez, whose views on race, climate change, and reparations, discussed in a recent Politico interview, are far from mainstream.

Meghan Markle’s association with Francia Márquez adds another layer of complexity to her already controversial public persona. Whether this new friendship will enhance her reputation or further tarnish it remains to be seen. What is certain is that Meghan’s alliance with the Colombian Vice President is set to keep the rumor mill churning for the foreseeable future.