The Disney+ series, Marvel’s Moon Knight was a much-anticipated superhero thrill ride. The show has gathered widespread praise for the producers’ ability to bring fans an original take on the world of comics by creating engaging narratives and cast with talented actors. We are living in such a golden age of television that appeals to all audiences, and we’re thrilled that the series continues this incredible trend. In an interview recently done with creator Mohamad Diab, he shared how they drew inspiration from many different sources. With that being said, these are the 5 movies that highly influenced the new Marvel and Disney+ show –

The Descent Influenced Moon Knight

In the 2005 horror/thriller film, The Descent, a group of cave explorers encounters sightless predators in an elementally-inspired setting. With the horror tropes, present in Moon Knight and parallels of dark spaces and fear of foreboding creatures, it is easy to see how this film inspired the series. Similar to The DescentMoon Knight features elements of dark places and visceral thrills that are achieved through exploring shadowy passageways.

How The Descent influenced Moon KnightHow The Descent influenced Moon Knight

The Exorcist

In the movie, we can see a priest in Iraq who finds out a demonic presence which then leads him to the events of the film. If you watch scenes that create impending doom like Moon Knight‘s opening scene and then compare them to The Exorcist, it can make you ponder about what’s going on or what is about to happen. But this film really makes things interesting by making us closer to different characters that we can relate with because in both films there are protagonists that face deities from all over the world like Khonshu in Moon Knight who makes us aware of how powerful he is and what he holds for humankind personally.

How The Exorcist influenced Moon KnightHow The Exorcist influenced Moon Knight

John Wick Influenced Moon Knight

John Wick‘s action sequences are some of the most memorable that fans have seen in recent years. The film is praised for its grittier take on action scenes that feels more grounded and visceral. John Wick gives us a hero who isn’t a superhero but brings us an action character we love to root for and enjoy watching in equal measure. In this regard, Moon Knight is no different as its fight scenes also look very organic.

How John Wick influenced Moon KnightHow John Wick influenced Moon Knight


If you’re familiar with Ingmar Bergman’s Persona, there are many interesting ways in which the film and Marc Spector from Moon Knight seem to parallel each other. With an anti-hero being unable to distinguish between good and evil, the objective becomes that of finding one’s true identity. While Ingmar Bergman explores concepts of duality, sanity, and insanity through Persona, Marc Spector’s dissociative identity disorder acts as a reflection of the aforementioned themes within his ability in combat.
How Persona influenced Moon KnightHow Persona influenced Moon Knight

Ghostbusters Influenced Moon Knight

The overall theme of Ghostbusters clearly influenced the new Marvel show. One cannot fail to love the childlike innocence found in Steven Grant as he discovers a world he was previously sheltered from. While still leery of this new world, we also see his eagerness to participate – that is something many people can relate to whether it’s feelings about their career or just general curiosity.

How Ghostbusters influenced Moon KnightHow Ghostbusters influenced Moon Knight