The drama between Oprah and Taraji continues as Oprah blames Taraji for the failure of the movie “Color Purple” due to her criticisms of working conditions and pay. Oprah is allegedly trying to blacklist Taraji from the industry, supported by 50 Cent, who has had his own issues with Oprah. Taraji’s complaints about being underpaid and mistreated sparked a broader conversation about the treatment of black women in the industry, drawing support from others like Viola Davis, Kiki Palmer, and Gabrielle Union. The situation worsens as Taraji faces backlash and fears for her career, with Oprah reportedly furious over the movie’s failure, which was supposed to be a hit for her production company. Taraji tries to backtrack and praise Oprah publicly, while 50 Cent stands by her, threatening to expose dirt on Oprah. Fans express support for Taraji and criticize Oprah’s handling of the situation, drawing parallels to her treatment of Mo’nique in the past. Overall, the controversy highlights issues of pay disparity and mistreatment of black actors in Hollywood.

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