Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s highly anticipated tour of Colombia has been anything but a warm welcome. Instead, their visit has sparked a wave of criticism, both on the streets and across social media. Upon their arrival, the royal duo was met with audible boos, signaling that their presence was far from the local sensation they might have expected. The public outcry has been particularly vocal on social media platform X, where thousands have criticized Colombia’s Vice President, Francia Márquez, for inviting the couple. Many Colombians view their visit as an unwelcome distraction from the country’s pressing issues, rather than a meaningful contribution.

UNWELCOME ROYALS! Harry And Meg Met With Hostile Reception Of Boos And  Heckling From Colombian Crowd - YouTube

Royal expert Robert Jobson aptly captured the local sentiment, remarking that Colombians are bewildered by the visit, questioning whether Harry and Meghan are genuinely there to help or merely to bask in the spotlight. Jobson further noted that their arrival didn’t just cause discomfort under the Colombian sun, but from the blinding glare of their celebrity. For many, the couple’s presence feels more like a shiny distraction designed to divert attention from Colombia’s serious challenges rather than a sincere aid mission.

Amid the controversy, Vice President Márquez defended her decision to host the Sussexes, stating that she was moved by their story as depicted in their Netflix series. Márquez described Meghan as a woman who deserved to come to Colombia and share her narrative. However, this defense has done little to quell the backlash, with many questioning the wisdom of hosting such high-profile guests in a country notorious for drug-related violence and kidnapping. The decision to invite them seems to have been driven more by the allure of their celebrity status than by practical considerations of safety and appropriateness.

Security concerns have also cast a shadow over the visit. The streets have been heavily guarded with police cars and armed soldiers, creating a fortified perimeter around Harry and Meghan. Local residents have been forced to navigate roadblocks and lengthy detours just to reach their homes, adding to the frustration. The heightened security is partly due to threats against Vice President Márquez, further complicating the visit. Yet, in a move that critics have found perplexing, Harry and Meghan have publicly shared details of their itinerary, a decision that some argue undermines their own security and highlights a troubling trend of prioritizing publicity over practical safety measures.

During their Colombian tour, Harry and Meghan are scheduled to meet with various organizations, youth groups, and participate in an insight session at a local school. These engagements, while seemingly noble, have been met with skepticism. Critics argue that these meticulously planned activities are more about polishing their public image than making a genuine impact. Even their planned summit with experts and activists aimed at fostering positive online environments has been dismissed by some as window dressing for a broader agenda, with doubts about their true commitment to digital civility.

In the end, the Sussexes’ Colombian escapade has left more questions than answers, with their actions often appearing at odds with their public statements, fueling ongoing debate about their true motivations.