In the world of television, encounters between big personalities can sometimes lead to unforgettable drama. One such incident involves British TV personality Bradley Walsh and former Royal Meghan Markle. While Markle is no stranger to controversy, this particular episode has caused quite a stir, highlighting the tensions that can arise when two strong-willed individuals collide.

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Setting the Stage

This incident reportedly took place in early 2018, just before Meghan’s relationship with Prince Harry was confirmed to the public. At the time, Meghan Markle was best known for her role on the popular USA Network drama “Suits.” Bradley Walsh, on the other hand, was already a household name in British television, celebrated for his roles as a host on hit game shows like “The Chase” and “Beat the Star.”

When Markle agreed to appear as a celebrity guest on an episode of “The Chase,” it seemed like an exciting combination. However, what was expected to be a delightful blend of American and British TV charm quickly turned into a confrontation that left everyone talking.

Rising Tensions

According to multiple sources who were on set that day, Markle arrived with an entourage and immediately started making demands regarding her dressing room, food preferences, and how she wanted her introduction to be filmed. Bradley Walsh, known for maintaining a light and fun atmosphere on his shows, found himself dealing with a guest who appeared to want things her way.

As taping began, the situation only grew more strained. Witnesses claim that Markle kept interrupting Walsh during the challenges, offering her own answers or analysis even when it wasn’t her turn. At one point, she even attempted to correct Walsh on a trivia question. This behavior did not sit well with Walsh, a seasoned host who is not accustomed to being shown up on his own show.

The Breaking Point

The final challenge round proved to be the breaking point. Markle, who had made it through with the help of her teammates, was struggling with the last question posed by Walsh. Instead of allowing her teammates to offer potential answers as per the normal rules, she snapped at Walsh, accusing him of asking an unfair question and demanding either clarification or a new question.

Reports suggest that this was the moment when Walsh decided he had enough. In his signature no-nonsense tone, he reportedly told Markle something along the lines of, “You know what, love? I think that’s quite enough for one day. Why don’t you head off and we’ll finish up here without you.”

The studio audience was reportedly stunned into silence as Markle, visibly embarrassed, gathered her things and stormed off the set. The production team had to do extensive editing to remove her from the final episode, leaving only vague references to a celebrity contestant who had to withdraw.

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Aftermath and Repercussions

The days following the incident were filled with rumors and speculation about what had transpired. Bradley Walsh, maintaining his professional demeanor, declined to comment publicly on the matter, simply stating, “These things sometimes happen.” Meghan Markle, however, was reportedly furious and lodged a complaint with the network, accusing Walsh of unprofessionalism and insisting that she deserved to be treated with more respect. The network, siding with their longtime partner Walsh, dismissed her complaint.

Interestingly, this event occurred just two months before Meghan Markle’s relationship with Prince Harry became public knowledge. Some speculate that this embarrassing episode may have influenced her eagerness to leave television behind for a role in the British royal family, offering her a prestigious new image and a global platform.

A New Chapter and Continued Controversy

While marrying into the British royal family provided Meghan with a new stage, her journey there was far from smooth. Her and Harry’s shocking exit from senior royal duties in early 2020 sparked a media frenzy, with numerous headlines about Markle’s alleged mistreatment by the royal institution and accusations of racism.

The British public remains sharply divided on their feelings towards Meghan Markle. Supporters view her as a victim of an outdated monarchy, while critics argue she was unprepared for her royal role and acted inappropriately. This early run-in with Bradley Walsh certainly did her no favors in the UK, where Walsh remains one of the most beloved entertainers. The memory of Markle’s reportedly petulant behavior lingers, casting a shadow over her image.

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Reflections and What-Ifs

The full true story of what transpired between Bradley Walsh and Meghan Markle during that infamous taping may never be known. Both individuals likely have their own valid perspectives on the event. Walsh, a veteran TV host, was probably trying to maintain control over his show, while Markle, an actress used to a different kind of set, might have felt out of her element in the game show environment.

This incident serves as an intriguing “what if” scenario. How might Markle’s life have played out differently had she kept her cool that day on “The Chase”? Would her transition into the royal family have been smoother without this blemish on her public image?


Encounters between strong personalities can often lead to dramatic and unforgettable moments. The clash between Bradley Walsh and Meghan Markle on “The Chase” is one such episode that continues to intrigue and spark discussions. As fans and observers, we are left to speculate and reflect on the complex dynamics that shape the lives of public figures.

Thank you for tuning in to hear the juicy details of this curious encounter. Let us know your thoughts on the saga in the comments. Do you think Walsh was justified in his actions, or was Markle unfairly treated? Share your opinions and let’s get the conversation started!