The drama between comedians Ricky Smiley, Cedric the Entertainer, and Cat Williams has escalated to the point where legal action is being threatened. Ricky and Cedric are reportedly planning to sue Cat for defamation after he accused them of stealing his jokes during a fiery interview on Club Shay.

Katt seems unfazed by the threat and has fired back with strong words, claiming to have damaging information about them.

In the interview, Cat accused Cedric of stealing his jokes and called him out for being a fraud who doesn’t write his own material. He also alleged that Cedric would attend his shows to steal jokes. Cat didn’t spare Ricky either, criticizing him for playing the same role repeatedly in movies and questioning his honesty about their roles in a film.

Cedric responded by dismissing Cat’s accusations, stating that his career can’t be reduced to one joke, and asserting his own accomplishments. Meanwhile, Ricky’s emotional breakdown on Instagram was attributed to personal reasons rather than Cat’s insults.

Despite the threats of legal action, Cat remains defiant, warning Cedric and Ricky against filing a lawsuit and claiming to have more incriminating information. The situation has sparked discussions among fans, with some questioning why there haven’t been defamation lawsuits against Cat if he’s lying.

Ultimately, the feud between these comedians seems far from over, with Cat’s boldness and the threat of legal action adding fuel to the fire.