The Netflix documentary featuring Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has not been the major hit many anticipated. It has led to notable celebrities distancing themselves from the couple. This shift is evident as high-profile friends like Oprah Winfrey, Gail King, and Tyler Perry, who previously supported Meghan and Harry, remain silent about the documentary. Oprah, who interviewed the couple in 2021, hasn’t promoted Meghan’s recent podcast, and even Meghan’s former close friend Jessica Mulroney is absent from public support. Michelle Obama, another key figure in their circle, seems distant, despite Harry previously supporting her initiatives. The Obamas did not attend Harry and Meghan’s wedding, and Harry and Meghan were absent from Barack Obama’s 60th birthday celebration.

Moreover, Harry and Meghan were not included in Time magazine’s influential list this year, a stark contrast to their previous cover feature. This exclusion extends to social events, as seen with the Clooneys, who previously hosted Meghan but did not include the couple in recent high-profile events. This trend suggests a growing isolation for Harry and Meghan from their influential network, potentially due to their continuous criticism of the royal family.