In a bold and irreverent display of comedic genius, Joe Rogan took Prince Harry to task in his latest Netflix special, “Joe Rogan: Burn the Boats,” which premiered live from The Majestic Theater in San Antonio, Texas, on August 4th. The special, marking Rogan’s return to standup after six years, showcased his trademark blend of sharp wit and no-holds-barred humor, with Prince Harry emerging as one of the night’s standout targets.

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Rogan, never one to shy away from controversy, began his roast of Harry with an anecdote that had the audience in stitches. He recounted a surreal moment when he woke up one morning, still in his underwear, only to find Prince Harry talking about him on television. With perfect comedic timing, Rogan mimicked Harry’s accent, sarcastically portraying the prince as gravely concerned about the “dangerous vaccine information” being disseminated on Rogan’s podcast, “The Joe Rogan Experience.” The comedian’s exaggerated portrayal of Harry’s reaction was a masterclass in satire, turning the real-life controversy between Harry, Meghan Markle, and Spotify into a punchline.

Rogan didn’t stop there. He delighted in imagining the hilarity that would ensue if he and Harry were to trip on mushrooms together, painting a vivid picture of the prince in a psychedelic haze, completely out of his depth. “Could you imagine doing mushrooms with Prince Harry?” Rogan joked, as he described a scenario where Harry, high as a kite, would find himself in a bewildering situation, much to the amusement of the audience.

The special also touched on a juicy rumor that Meghan Markle had allegedly tried to pressure Netflix into pulling Rogan’s special due to its critical humor about Harry. According to a blind item, Meghan reportedly bombarded Netflix executives with calls, emails, and texts, threatening to withdraw her projects if Rogan’s special remained on the platform. However, Rogan gleefully pointed out the irony, suggesting that Netflix might actually welcome such a move, given the lackluster success of Meghan’s projects with the streaming giant. The blind item cruelly suggested that Meghan’s efforts to control the narrative were both futile and embarrassing, with Rogan’s popularity far outshining hers in the U.S.

Rogan’s commentary underscored the ongoing public perception challenges faced by Meghan Markle, painting her attempts to influence media narratives as desperate and ultimately ineffective. His jokes highlighted how the former royals’ attempts to carve out their own space in the American media landscape have often fallen flat, with Netflix reportedly showing little interest in her proposed cooking show and other projects.

In the end, “Joe Rogan: Burn the Boats” served as a sharp reminder of Rogan’s comedic prowess and his ability to turn even the most serious controversies into laugh-out-loud moments. His takedown of Prince Harry, delivered with biting sarcasm and irreverence, not only entertained his audience but also offered a pointed critique of the former royals’ ongoing struggles with fame and relevance in the ever-critical public eye.