Dave Bautista Angrily Points At Meghan, Slap Her At Jimmy Fallon Show For Calling  Him Ugly Z-LISTER - YouTube

In an episode of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon that was expected to be light-hearted and entertaining, tensions escalated dramatically when actor and former professional wrestler Dave Bautista unleashed a fiery tirade against Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex. What started as playful banter quickly turned into an unexpected and heated confrontation that left the audience and viewers stunned.

The evening began with Jimmy Fallon inviting Bautista, who was in the audience, to participate in a fun game segment. Bautista, known for his roles in the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, eagerly made his way to the stage, showcasing his competitive spirit. However, as soon as he reached his seat, the atmosphere shifted. Bautista suddenly pointed an accusatory finger at Meghan Markle, who was also in attendance.

“Hey, you!” Bautista bellowed, his voice booming through the studio. “Yeah, you, Meghan Markle. I’ve got something to say to you, and you better listen up.” The audience fell silent, stunned by Bautista’s unexpected outburst. Fallon, caught off guard, attempted to diffuse the situation with a nervous laugh, urging Bautista to keep things friendly. But Bautista was having none of it. He turned to Fallon and growled, “Stay out of this, Jimmy. This is between me and The Duchess of Delusion over there.”

Meghan, seated in the front row, looked visibly uncomfortable as all eyes turned to her. Despite the tension, she maintained her composure and calmly addressed Bautista. “I’m not sure what I’ve done to upset you, Mr. Bautista,” she said, her voice measured and composed. “But I’m willing to have a respectful dialogue if you’d like to discuss whatever’s on your mind.”

Bautista, however, was in no mood for diplomacy. He slammed his fist on the table and bellowed, “Discuss? Discuss? You want to discuss, huh? Well, let me tell you something, sweetheart. I don’t want to discuss a damn thing with you. In fact, I have one simple message for you: shut your mouth.” The audience gasped in shock, and Fallon’s eyes widened as he tried to regain control of the situation, pleading with Bautista to keep things civil. But Bautista refused to back down. He stood up from his chair, his towering frame casting a shadow over Meghan. “You heard me, Meghan,” Bautista growled, his face mere inches from hers. “Shut your mouth for me, an ugly man. That’s all I’ve got to say to you.”

To her credit, Meghan remained calm and composed in the face of Bautista’s unyielding aggression. “I’m sorry you feel that way, Mr. Bautista,” she said, her voice steady. “But I won’t be silenced, nor will I apologize for speaking my truth.”

Bautista let out a derisive snort. “Your truth, huh? Well, let me tell you something about the truth, sweetheart. The truth is nobody cares what you have to say. You’re just a privileged, attention-seeking brat who can’t seem to keep her mouth shut, no matter how much the rest of us wish you would.”

The audience erupted into gasps and murmurs, clearly taken aback by Bautista’s scathing assessment of The Duchess. Fallon, sensing that the situation was spiraling out of control, quickly stepped in. “Alright, alright, that’s enough,” he said firmly. “Dave, I think it’s time you take your seat and we move on with the show. Let’s keep this light-hearted, shall we?”

Bautista glared at Fallon, then at Meghan, before finally relenting and returning to his seat. But as he sat down, he pointed a beefy finger at Meghan and growled, “Mark my words, Duchess. You better learn to keep that trap of yours shut, or you’re going to regret it.”

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Meghan, to her credit, simply shook her head and turned her attention back to the stage, refusing to be drawn into a war of words. The rest of the segment proceeded without incident, but the tension in the room was palpable, and the audience was left wondering what could have prompted such a fiery outburst from the usually affable Bautista.

As the show drew to a close, Fallon addressed the audience, acknowledging the unexpected turn of events. “Well, folks, I think it’s safe to say we didn’t see that one coming,” he said with a nervous chuckle. “But you know what they say, The Show Must Go On. Thanks for tuning in, and we’ll see you next time.”

As the cameras stopped rolling, Bautista could be seen storming out of the studio, muttering under his breath. Meghan, meanwhile, remained composed and collected, seemingly unfazed by the actor’s outburst.

Only time will tell if this incident will have any lasting repercussions, but one thing is for sure: it’s a moment that will be etched in the memories of everyone who witnessed it. The confrontation between Dave Bautista and Meghan Markle on The Tonight Show highlighted the unpredictable nature of live television and the raw emotions that can sometimes surface in the most unexpected ways.