On the third day of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s so-called “world tour” in Colombia, what was meant to be a cultural exploration of the Afro-Caribbean village of San Basilio de Palenque turned into another episode of relationship drama. The picturesque setting, with its vibrant culture and rich history, served as the backdrop for a rather uncomfortable display of the couple’s dynamics.

DON'T TOUCH ME! Harry Miserably RESISTS Meghan's Hand Holding At Afro  Caribbean Village

The day began with a military-style operation: a half-hour helicopter ride followed by a jarring 15-minute drive along a pothole-riddled road, heavily guarded by soldiers and even a tank. Meghan, dressed in a white linen skirt, sleeveless blouse, and Panama hat, seemed perfectly attuned to the sweltering 30°C heat. Harry, however, struggled with the climate, his light blue linen shirt already soaked with noticeable sweat stains.

Upon their arrival at the village square, where local artisans displayed traditional handicrafts, Meghan immediately took Harry’s hand. However, rather than the casual, loving handholding one might expect from a couple in sync, Meghan’s grip was firm and commanding. It was as if she was guiding him with an iron fist, dictating his every move. The intensity of her grasp suggested a calculated effort to control the situation, rather than a natural display of affection.

Harry, in stark contrast, appeared disengaged and discontented. His subtle attempts to pull away and his refusal to make eye contact with Meghan were evident. The contrast between Meghan’s forced, wide grin and Harry’s evident discomfort was striking. Meghan’s persistent hand-holding seemed less about affection and more about maintaining control and presenting a façade of marital bliss.

The public display of their strained dynamic was impossible to ignore. The spectacle of their hand-holding, rather than enhancing their image as a united couple, highlighted the tension and dissatisfaction between them. The protocol of their tour was overshadowed by their visible discord.

In San Basilio de Palenque, the cracks in their carefully curated image were glaringly apparent. Meghan’s controlling demeanor and Harry’s clear disdain showcased the underlying strain in their relationship. The day’s events revealed that their attempts to project a perfect partnership through constant public displays of affection were falling flat.

Ultimately, what was intended to be a cultural exchange became a stage for the unraveling of their relationship. Meghan’s desperate attempts to uphold an image of unity only served to underscore the difficulties they face. As the tour progressed, it became increasingly clear that the hand-holding and public displays were more about control than genuine connection. The Colombian tour, rather than highlighting cultural engagement, exposed a relationship in disarray, unraveling before the public eye.