Madonna, arguably the most celebrated singer and performer of recent times, scared her fans when she had to be hospitalized earlier this year. This medical emergency resulted in the postponement of the singer’s long-awaited Celebration World Tour.

The details about Madonna’s condition were kept private. It was let known that the singer had been admitted to an intensive care unit but the curiosity of what exactly happened was kept alive. After her speedy recovery, the Material Girl singer was quick to get back on stage and start her tour. In one of her shows, she revealed the horrifying details of her illness.

Madonna's Grammy 2023 lookMadonna

Madonna’s Mysterious Illness Almost Took Her Life

Madonna once again proved herself to be the epitome of strength when she bounced back from a major health scare in no time. The journey wasn’t an easy one. It was a serious bacterial infection that plagued her immensely. The Vogue singer shared the story of her illness gracefully. By thanking everyone who helped her through the tough times in her life, she shared her account of things.


Guy Oseary, who works as the Frozen singer’s talent manager had gotten the initial word out on her condition. The A League of Their Own actress was in rehearsals for her upcoming tour when she was hospitalized in June. She passed out on the floor and was found by her friend Shavawn, who the Grammy winner said: “saved my life”. She recalled saying (via The Hollywood Reporter):
“I don’t even remember; I passed out on my bathroom floor and woke up in the ICU. I was in an induced coma for 48 hours.”

The Material Girl singer further expressed her gratitude for her Kabbalah instructor saying: “The only voice I heard was his. I heard him say, ‘Squeeze my hand.” She was loved and surrounded by friends and family, About which she said:

“When I first became conscious I saw my six incredible sitting around me. By the way, I had to almost die to get all my kids in one room.”
Humor in the face of adversity is a sign of courage and Madonna has always been brave.

Postponing the Tour Took A Toll on Madonna


After her hospitalization in June, the impending tour which was supposed to start in July was postponed. The Queen of Pop was already in rehearsals and had big plans for the tour, Fans had bought tickets way in advance and it all had to be rescheduled.

Even suffering from a serious ailment, the songstress hated disappointing her fans. As she said in a statement she made in July:
“I did not want to disappoint anyone who bought tickets for my tour. I also didn’t want to let down the people who worked tirelessly with me over the last few months to create my show. I hate to disappoint anyone.”

The rescheduled dates for the Celebration World Tour were announced in August and it started on October 14 in London. Hopefully, the star is taking care of herself as fans often worry about her well-being.