Chris Hemsworth is one of the most well-recognized Australian actors in Hollywood. He has starred in massively successful projects like the Extraction franchise, where he plays Tyler Rake, a former Australian Special Agent turned mercenary, as well as famously playing Thor Odinson in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Chris Hemsworth as Tyler RakeChris Hemsworth in Extraction 2
Being part of so many acting movies and being extremely active, having to work out a lot for his roles as well as being a passionate surfer, it is only natural that Hemsworth has gotten hurt a fair share of times. During an interview, he was asked which one of his scars had the coolest story and his answer to this question was quite unexpected.

Chris Hemsworth’s Family Moved Around A Lot

To lead into the story of how he got his coolest scar, Chris Hemsworth gave some context by talking about what it was like growing up. He was brought up by his mother, who was a teacher, and his father, who worked in child-protection services. The actor revealed that despite both his parents having stable jobs, they had quite the tendency to move to quite a remote location, Northern Territory, the Outback, a few times during his childhood.
Chris Hemsworth in Thor: RagnarokChris Hemsworth in Thor: Ragnarok
“It was a way for the family to save money,” says Hemsworth, who went to a largely Aboriginal school. “Remote as you can get, the nearest town a five- or six-hour drive over dirt roads.”
The reason for this move was that Hemsworth’s father wanted to work in cattle ranches, culling buffalo from grazing land. He revealed that they did this as a way to save money, mentioning that the places where they lived during these periods were so remote that the nearest town to them was several hours away.

Chris Hemsworth Talks About His Coolest Scar

Chris Hemsworth recalled a particular thing that occurred at the time they were living there. He revealed that when he was young, he once decided to buy a really big knife so that he could fish with it. While this was not the smartest idea that young Hemsworth could have come up with, he decided to go to the store and purchase the knife either way.
Chris Hemsworth in Thor: Love and ThunderChris Hemsworth in Thor: Love and Thunder
“I remember the sales guy asking, ’Well, what’re you gonna use that for?’ I said, ’Fishing?’ And that was the security test. Later, I went snorkeling in this swimming hole. Thought I stabbed a fish, but I stabbed myself in the hand instead. I still have a vivid memory of what that felt like. It wasn’t alarmingly bad, but it was like, ’Oh, wow. I’ve just done something here.’ “ he stated.
After convincing the salesperson to let him buy the knife, he went to a nearby lake to a swimming hole to do exactly what he set out to do, not knowing that things would go wrong. Hemsworth aimed for what he thought was a fish with his full force, only to realize too late that it was, in fact, his left hand that had just stabbed.

So, out of all injuries, Hemsworth loves the story of stabbing himself instead of a fish. Classic Chris Hemsworth?

Source: GQ