Hugh Jackman openly shared details about his exposed back scene in X-Men: Days of Future Past opening sequence, which prominently displays his complete rear side.

For those enamored with Hugh Jackman, there was an extra incentive to catch in the X-Men movie, X-Men: Days of Future Past, which came out in the year 2014. The actor can be seen naked in one of the scenes in the film. While it was a very brief scene, it wasn’t supposed to be in the film.
Hugh Jackman from the movie WolverineHugh Jackman as Wolverine
Hugh Jackman emphasized his insistence on knowing the precise date for shooting particular scenes. Approximately three weeks prior, he was informed of a potential delay, to which he adamantly responded, refusing any postponement as he was determined to shoot the scenes as planned, regardless of other adjustments.

Hugh Jackman Convinced The Director To Shoot Him Nude

In adherence to the script, Logan was meant to awaken in 1973 wearing boxer shorts. However, Hugh Jackman opposed this idea, advocating for the character to wake up completely nude instead.

Jackman said on the Kelly & Michael show (via IMDB):
“I land back in 1973, this is what the script says, I wake up next to a girl who I don’t remember and I get out of bed wearing boxer shorts. I was like I don’t know about America but in Australia if you’re next to a really good looking girl you’re not getting out with boxer shorts on or briefs or anything. So yeah, I went commando.”
WolverineHugh Jackman as Wolverine
The actor openly shared details about his exposed back scene in the film’s opening sequence, which prominently displays his complete rear side.

Hugh Jackman recounted how the crew provided him with a bright green sock to wear, but he found it drew more attention rather than less. They explained it was necessary for editing purposes, but he still felt uncomfortable. However, by the end of the first take, the sock mysteriously disappeared.

Hugh Jackman’s Van Helsing Is Getting a Reboot

During an interview with Fangoria in June 2023, director Julius Avery disclosed his involvement in the much-awaited revival of Hugh Jackman’s 2004 film, Van Helsing.
Hugh Jackman in Van HelsingHugh Jackman in Van Helsing
Jackman told Fangoria:
“I mentioned James Wan before, and I’m a huge fan of his. I’ve been wanting to work with him for a while. He’s a fellow Aussie, and yeah, we’re teamed up on a Van Helsing movie together, which I’m currently writing and intend to direct myself with James producing. But yeah, that’s still in motion. I can’t tell you much more than that, but I’m very, very excited about it!”
Drawing inspiration from the literary works of Bram Stoker and Mary Shelley, the 2004 film Van Helsing, helmed by director Stephen Sommers, garnered a mixed reception from audiences. However, it proved to be a financial triumph, amassing approximately $300 million globally, surpassing its budget of $160-170 million.