Ryan Garcia’s recent social media activity has caused a stir, leading to concerns about his mental health. Despite his assurances that he’s okay, fans and peers are worried. Garcia claims he was hacked, but some speculate otherwise. He had a candid conversation with Andrew Tate, sharing personal stories and claiming he has proof to back them up. However, Tate cautioned him about the potential consequences of revealing such information.

Garcia then refocused on boxing, promising to only discuss sports and his upcoming fight with Devon Haney. This announcement followed a period of bizarre posts and conversations. While some view it as a publicity stunt for the fight, others, like KSI and Dylan Danis, express genuine concern for Garcia’s well-being.

The tension between Garcia and Haney escalated during press conferences, with Haney making allegations about Garcia’s substance use and drinking habits. Garcia vehemently denied using cocaine and offered to take a drug test. The exchanges between them added drama to the buildup of their fight, scheduled for April 20th. Despite the excitement surrounding the match, there are lingering concerns about Garcia’s mental state. If his recent behavior stems from genuine struggles, stepping into the ring may not be the best decision. The focus shifts between anticipation for the fight and concerns for Garcia’s health, highlighting the complexities surrounding this event.