In a shocking turn of events, the British royal family has been thrown into yet another controversy, this time involving Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, and her son Archie. The scandal erupted after Lady Colin Campbell, a well-known royal commentator, claimed to have leaked documents proving that Archie was born via a surrogate, a revelation that has reportedly left Meghan Markle in a fit of rage.

The drama unfolded during a live broadcast of Good Morning Britain, where Lady C was invited to discuss the latest royal news. Midway through the interview, she casually announced that she possessed documents confirming that Archie was born through surrogacy. The hosts and audience were taken aback as Lady C revealed what she claimed to be official surrogacy records, including Archie’s birth certificate and other sensitive information.

Meghan Markle needs to stop being a 'hustler', claims Lady C | Metro News

According to sources close to the Sussexes, Meghan Markle, who was watching the broadcast from California, was livid. She allegedly made an urgent call to Buckingham Palace, demanding a swift and forceful response to what she described as Lady C’s “despicable lies.” Meghan was reportedly infuriated, accusing Lady C of being a “pathetic liar” and threatening legal action if the palace did not intervene.

Buckingham Palace, however, remained silent, refusing to comment on the matter or acknowledge the existence of the alleged documents. This lack of response only fueled Meghan’s anger, prompting her to send a series of heated messages to her husband, Prince Harry, urging him to take action. Harry, known for his fierce protectiveness of his family’s privacy, was equally enraged. He reportedly instructed his legal team to explore all possible avenues to silence Lady C and prevent further dissemination of the alleged records.

Lady C, however, stood by her claims, insisting that the documents were authentic and obtained from reliable sources. In a subsequent interview, she called Meghan and Harry “pathetic liars” and argued that the public deserved to know the truth about Archie’s birth. She also stated that the surrogate mother should be recognized and not hidden away as a “dirty secret.”

This latest development has further strained relations between the Sussexes and the wider royal family, who have already been at odds over issues of privacy and transparency. Supporters of the Sussexes have rallied to their defense, criticizing Lady C for her actions and calling the leak a “despicable invasion” of the couple’s privacy. However, some have sided with Lady C, arguing that the public has a right to know the truth if the Sussexes have been deceptive.

As the scandal continues to unfold, the rift between the Sussexes and the royal family appears to be widening. The ongoing battle over Archie’s birth narrative is likely to exacerbate tensions, with far-reaching and potentially long-lasting consequences for all involved.