Greetings royal fans and drama lovers! It’s your favorite neighborhood critic back with yet another steaming hot take on the ongoing saga of Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, and her family. Buckle up because we’re diving deep into the murky waters of Markle’s family drama and let me tell you – this latest chapter is juicier than a ripe peach on a summer day.



Now I know you’re probably thinking “haven’t we heard enough about Meghan’s family issues already?” But just when we thought we’d heard all the gossip, a new player has entered the stage: Meghan’s stepmother Roslyn Markle. And boy does she have some piping hot tea to spill! Let’s set the scene – Prince Harry is on the radio talking about how the royals have become Meghan’s new family, implying her birth family wasn’t enough. Big mistake, Harry! That set off the whole Markle clan like nothing else.

Meghan’s half-brother Thomas Jr. wasted no time slamming Harry’s claims, insisting Meghan had a “really good family” who gave her everything. Ouch, that’s gotta sting. It paints Meghan as some ungrateful princess who ditched her loving family for titles and status. Not a great look, Meg! But then Roslyn enters with an unexpected twist – she’s not here to bash Meghan at all. According to Roslyn, it’s distance, not tension, that’s kept Meghan from her family over the years.

Now let’s unpack this – Roslyn is telling us Meghan’s acting career and busy schedule meant the family simply drifted apart over time and distance. No drama, just life getting in the way. But my BS detector is blaring – are we really supposed to believe Meghan couldn’t find time to call or video chat with her family when she was able to maintain a long-distance romance with Harry? Something isn’t adding up here.

And it gets juicier! Roslyn then mentions Meghan doesn’t talk much to her estranged half-sister Samantha. Big mistake – Samantha wasted no time blowing up Roslyn’s claims on Twitter! She dismissed Roslyn as having no real relation to Meghan and accused her of being “crazy” to comment at all. Samantha flung dates around insisting Roslyn wasn’t in the picture since the 70s. It’s like watching a family feud unfold before our eyes – and it ain’t pretty.

But here’s the kicker – Samantha says Roslyn only knows about Meghan from what she’s read online. How rich, the pot calling the kettle black! Because let’s be real – how well does Samantha actually know Meghan these days? It’s not like they’re BFFs slumber partying and braiding each other’s hair. When you take a step back, it’s clear everyone in this family drama has their own agenda and version of events. But none of the stories add up completely.

Through it all, one person has stayed conspicuously silent – Meghan herself. Is she watching this circus unfold from her California mansion, sipping fancy tea while her family tears itself apart in public? It’s beyond frustrating. Meghan has a huge platform and voice – if she wanted to set the record straight or repair bridges, she could. But instead she lets the drama play out like some twisted reality show.


It’s almost like she’s benefiting from the constant headlines and attention each new family scandal brings. Every time a relative speaks out, Meghan is front and center in the news cycle again. Even the latest supposed bombshell – that Meghan now regrets her royal life and misses Hollywood – just keeps her name in lights. And what a slap in the face to Harry, claiming he’s now “wasting his life” after all he gave up for her. Talk about lacking gratitude!


Through it all, real people are getting hurt. Relationships and trust are being destroyed, perhaps irreparably. And for what? Headlines? Attention? It’s sad to see, because somewhere under the manipulations and drama is likely a real person who’s lost their way. But it’s not too late – Meghan still has time to take the high road, reach out to mend fences, and use her platform to unite and inspire. However, based on her actions so far, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting.

So in conclusion, the never-ending saga of Meghan Markle and her family’s public feuds just keeps gaining new chapters. It’s a sad tale of missed opportunities and damage caused by wasted words. But what do you think, loyal readers – victim or puppet master? Reality check or manipulation? Share your thoughts below! Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more piping hot royal tea. This is your friendly neighborhoo critic signing off until next time, when yet another plot twist is sure to unfold. Keep it real, and remember – ink is thicker than blood in the royal world! Stay sassy, friends