Oprah Winfrey faces intense scrutiny as actress Taraji P. Henson and other Black actresses accuse her of unfair pay and mistreatment. Supported by figures like 50 Cent and Denzel Washington, these actresses are speaking out against Oprah’s alleged discriminatory practices. Taraji, known for her role in the 2023 film The Color Purple, broke down during a radio interview, expressing frustration over being underpaid and undervalued.

Insiders reveal tension between Taraji and Oprah during the film’s production, highlighting a broader issue of racial disparity in Hollywood. A TikTok video from a December 12th press event showed awkward interactions between the two, fueling rumors of conflict. Despite Oprah’s reputation for generosity, accusations suggest she treats Black artists unfairly compared to their white counterparts.

Denzel Washington has been vocal about the industry’s exploitation of Black actors, sharing his own experiences of rejecting distasteful roles. 50 Cent has also criticized Oprah for betraying Black artists while protecting white predators. The support from these influential figures underscores a call for change in Hollywood, advocating for fair treatment and recognition of Black talent.