Meghan SEETHING WITH RAGE Over George’s First Flying Lesson: ‘Archie Takes First Mission Into Space’

While learning to fly at a young age is quite an accomplishment, it seems Meghan feels left out of this milestone event and is seething with jealousy over the attention George is now receiving. According to sources, Meghan desperately wants her son Archie to also begin pilot training, but knows the royal family would never allow a toddler to engage in such a dangerous activity.

Being denied what she wants has never sat well with Meghan. Those close to her say she sees herself as the victim in every situation and has trouble seeing beyond her own desires and perceived slights. While most would think a three year old learning to fly is an exciting achievement to celebrate, Meghan only sees it as a personal affront.

In recent days, Meghan has been gripping to anyone who will listen about how unfair it is that Archie isn’t given the same opportunities as his cousins in the royal family. She describes intense feelings of rage and speaks bitterly of a conspiracy against her by the palace to prevent Archie from achieving his full potential. According to one witness, Meghan ranted “Those doddering royals will pay for holding Archie back. Just wait until the world sees what he’s capable of. I’ll show them!”