Cory Feldman has been vocal about the dark side of Hollywood, alleging that powerful individuals exploited him and fellow actor Corey Haim during their youth.

Feldman claims that these abusers are still active in the industry, shielded by their wealth and influence. Despite Feldman’s efforts to expose these issues, his revelations have often been dismissed or ignored. In his memoir, Feldman detailed the abuse he and Haim suffered at the hands of powerful men, emphasizing the need for greater protection for young actors.
His story has sparked conversations about the exploitation and mistreatment in Hollywood, especially concerning child actors. This narrative gained further traction when a controversial interview with Barbara Walters resurfaced, where Walters appeared more concerned with Hollywood’s image than Feldman’s allegations. Feldman’s perseverance in sharing his story underscores the ongoing issues within the entertainment industry and the urgent need for systemic change to safeguard young talents.