“Sound of Freedom, directed by Alejandro Gomez Monteverde, is a powerful film exposing the dark underbelly of Hollywood’s elite and their alleged involvement in human trafficking. Mel Gibson stars as Tim Ballard, a former federal agent who leaves his position to start Operation Underground Railroad, aiming to rescue children from trafficking networks.

Despite its crucial message, major streaming platforms like Amazon, Netflix, and Hulu have rejected the film, raising questions about Hollywood’s complicity. This lack of support from influential figures suggests a deeper, more sinister reason for its suppression.
The film reveals the tactics used by traffickers to lure victims, highlighting the stark reality of this illicit industry. Surprisingly, even prominent figures like Oprah Winfrey are implicated, given her associations with controversial personalities like Harvey Weinstein.

“Sound of Freedom” seeks to shed light on these atrocities, urging viewers to recognize and act against the hidden horrors perpetuated by those in power. The film’s struggle for recognition underscores the urgent need for awareness and change in Hollywood and beyond.