Mel Gibson’s latest film, “Sound of Freedom,” has ignited a storm of controversy and discussion. The film, which tackles the grim issue of child trafficking, has been heavily promoted by Gibson himself. Alongside the movie’s release, a 1998 interview with Gibson resurfaced, in which he criticized the dark side of Hollywood. Gibson’s statements from the interview, including claims of manipulation and betrayal within the industry, have drawn significant attention.

The film, based on the true story of former government agent Tim Ballard, showcases the fight against child trafficking. Despite its powerful message, major streaming platforms like Amazon, Netflix, and Hulu have refused to distribute it, sparking accusations of censorship and hypocrisy.

Elijah Schaefer, the film’s producer, linked Gibson’s old interview with the movie’s themes, adding fuel to the fire. He suggested that Hollywood’s elites, including figures like Oprah Winfrey, may have darker sides than the public realizes. This controversy highlights ongoing concerns about power dynamics and ethical issues in the entertainment industry.