He adopted a high protein diet while bulking up for his role in Thor and The Avengers.

But on Wednesday, Chris Hemsworth’s personal trainer Luke Zocchi revealed the burly hunk turned vegan during filming.

Speaking to Nine’s David Campbell on Today Extra, he said it was ‘a big experiment’ for the actor.

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Still looked better than ever! On Wednesday, Chris Hemsworth's personal trainer revealed the star turned vegan while filming Avengers

‘He tried it out and we were actually surprised,’ he said.

‘That was a big experiment we tried to see if he could keep the muscle being vegan and it actually surprised me as well because we’re all in this mentality of ‘gotta eat animal protein, protein, protein’ but you can get a lot of protein from beans.’

Speaking with host David, who also follows an animal-free diet, he revealed that Chris’ favourite vegan foods were bean and vege burgers.

It worked! 'That was a big experiment we tried to see if he could keep the muscle being vegan and it actually surprised me as well because we're all in this mentality of 'gotta eat animal protein, protein, protein' but you can get a lot of protein from beans'

And while his physique remained in tip top condition through his diet change, Luke did however reveal there was one repercussion.

‘It got a little gassy at times,’ he joked.

Luke also added that he played chef majority of the time on set and ensured Chris was eating six times a day every two-three hours.

Trainer-turned-chef! Luke also added that he played chef majority of the time on set and ensured Chris was eating six times a day every two-three hours

And while it’s unsure whether Chris is still following a vegan diet, earlier in the year his younger brother Liam revealed he was trying to convince him to continue the cruelty free lifestyle.

‘Chris is obviously extremely healthy and has played Thor and has had to work out a lot of the past few years,’ Liam who is also vegan explained to Men’s Fitness.

‘But he has a lot of digestive issues, and he’s constantly trying to figure out what’s best for his system. Through talking to me, he’s somewhat adapting, I think, to eating more vegetables and more plant-based stuff.’

Still vegan? 'But he has a lot of digestive issues, and he's constantly trying to figure out what's best for his system. Through talking to me, he's somewhat adapting, I think, to eating more vegetables and more plant-based stuff'