The air was electric with anticipation at the world premiere of the highly anticipated new blockbuster film “Twisters.” Alist stars Glenn Powell, Daisy Edgar-Jones, and Anthony Ramos arrived to the delight of fans and paparazzi who lined the red carpet, eagerly jockeying for the best vantage points to catch a glimpse of the celebrities gracing the event. However, the mood quickly turned sour when another famous face unexpectedly tried to insert herself into the spotlight—Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex.

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Known for her penchant for attention, Meghan apparently decided that the “Twisters” premiere was the perfect opportunity to gain some much-needed positive publicity. Yet, the seasoned Hollywood veterans on the red carpet were having none of it. “It was just so awkward,” recounted one onlooker.

“Meghan came strutting up, trying to wedge herself in between Glenn and Daisy as they were posing for photos. She had this huge fake smile plastered on her face, waving frantically at the camera, but the movie stars were having zero part of Meghan’s shameless grandstanding.”

According to witnesses, Daisy Edgar-Jones stepped forward and firmly told Meghan, “Excuse me, but this is our night. If you wouldn’t mind stepping aside.” When Meghan refused to budge, Glenn Powell and Anthony Ramos also intervened. “They were really nice about it at first, politely asking Meghan to let the film stars have their moment,” the onlooker continued. “But when she just stood there smirking, not moving an inch, they basically had to forcibly remove her from in front of the cameras.”

Video footage of the incident shows the three co-stars physically maneuvering a defiant Meghan away from the red carpet as she continued trying to wave and smile for the cameras. At one point, Anthony Ramos can be heard muttering, “Jesus, just go away,” under his breath. The awkward encounter left many in the crowd feeling secondhand embarrassment for Meghan. “It was just so cringeworthy,” said one attendee. “She was clearly trying to hijack the spotlight, and the actors handled it with as much grace as they could muster, but Meghan just wouldn’t take the hint.”

Anthony Ramos, Daisy Edgar-Jones and Glen Powell at the TWISTERS London Premiere - Tom + Lorenzo

A Pattern of Attention-Seeking Behavior

In the end, the “Twisters” stars managed to pose for photos and conduct interviews without further interruptions from The Duchess, but the incident has left many wondering what on Earth possessed Meghan to try and insert herself into an event that had nothing to do with her.

“She’s always been desperate for attention, but this was a new low even for her,” commented one Royal commentator. “The ‘Twisters’ premiere was about celebrating the achievements of those actors, not giving Meghan another chance to make it all about herself.”

Indeed, this is just the latest in a long line of questionable behavior from the former “Suits” actress. Over the past several years, Meghan has become notorious for her diva-like antics and apparent lack of self-awareness. From demanding private jet travel while lecturing the public about climate change to strong-arming her way into photo ops with A-list celebrities, Meghan has repeatedly proven that she will stop at nothing to stay in the spotlight. Her attempted hijacking of the “Twisters” red carpet is just the latest example of her shameless narcissism.

“Meghan clearly thought she could swoop in, get some quick publicity, and then slip back into the shadows,” said the Royal commentator. “But the ‘Twisters’ stars weren’t having any of it. They shut that down real quick.”

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Public Reaction and Celebrity Grace

The whole debacle has left many people shaking their heads in disbelief. “I mean, what was she thinking?” lamented one fan. “Did she really think she could just barge in and steal the thunder from the actual stars of the movie? The entitlement is just mindboggling.”

But despite the awkwardness of the situation, the “Twisters” cast has managed to come out of it looking even more impressive. Their swift and decisive handling of Meghan’s shameless attempts at attention-seeking has only served to further endear them to the public. “Glenn, Daisy, and Anthony showed real poise and professionalism in the face of Meghan’s antics,” remarked one critic. “They didn’t let her ruin their big night, and they didn’t sink to her level either. That kind of grace under pressure is what true stardom is all about.”

As the “Twisters” premiere continues to generate buzz, it’s clear that this incident has only added to the film’s momentum. Fans are eager to see the talented cast in action and even more impressed by their ability to shut down Meghan’s theatrics with such aplomb. “This is the kind of drama I can get behind,” chuckled one moviegoer. “Meghan trying to muscle her way in only to get shown the door by the actual stars—it’s the ultimate celebrity justice.”

With the release of “Twisters” just around the corner, it seems that the film’s stars will be enjoying their time in the spotlight free from any unwanted Duchess-shaped distractions. And for that, both the cast and the audience can be grateful.