“Can I please just be naked?”: Emma Stone Begged Director To Allow a Nude Scene To Draw Genuine Reaction in Film That Later Got 2 Oscar Nods

Amidst an industry notorious for coercing actresses into gratuitous nude scenes designed solely to objectify them, Emma Stone fearlessly reclaimed authority over her own body, making a resolute and empowering choice.

Emma StoneEmma Stone

In her film, The Favourite, helmed by the talented director Yorgos Lanthimos, Emma Stone embodies the cunning character of Abigail Masham. This film delves into a love triangle that unfolds within the backdrop of 18th-century England, involving none other than Queen Anne (portrayed by Olivia Colman) and her trusted confidante Sarah Jennings Churchill (brought to life by Rachel Weisz).

Emma Stone Thought It Was Important For Her Character

While filming, Emma Stone encountered a pivotal juncture where she felt that her character’s authenticity demanded a topless scene, marking her debut in such a vulnerable moment on screen. Although it required considerable effort and persuasion, she eventually succeeded in convincing both her co-star and the director that this creative choice was integral to the character’s journey.

Emma Stone as Abigail in The FavouriteEmma Stone as Abigail in The Favourite

“I had the sheet up around me,” she told The Hollywood Reporter. “And as we were shooting it and we did a few takes, I said, ‘Can I please just be [n*ked]?’ I think it’s going to give Sarah something to look at when she sees that I’m not just under the sheet covered up. Olivia was like, ‘No, don’t do it!’ Yorgos was like, ‘Are you sure that’s what you want to do?’ And I was like, ‘Absolutely.’ I chose to do it. I was like, this makes sense to me. It’s an absolute [Stone flips the bird] to Sarah.”
However, as an American, Emma Stone openly conveyed her unease regarding the film’s liberal utilization of the word “c***.” “I’ve been around Brits long enough the shock has worn off, but hearing the word’ c***’ a bunch, I was like, ‘Oh my God.’ It’s the most offensive word.”

Emma Stone received an Oscar nomination for Best Actress in a Supporting Role for The Favourite.

Emma Stone Once Decided To Quit Acting

From her breakout role in Crazy, Stupid, Love to her present-day achievements, Emma Stone has soared to become one of the most triumphant actresses in the industry, driven by her relentless work ethic and unwavering commitment. Nevertheless, during her formative years, she grappled with uncertainty about pursuing a career in acting.

Jennifer Lawrence and Emma StoneJennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone

The actress shares a profound camaraderie with Jennifer Lawrence, renowned for her role in the X-Men series, and both shower each other with admiration during interviews. However, there was a time in the past when the actress couldn’t help but feel envious of the rising star of The Hunger Games.
“She may not even know this, but there was definitely a time early on when I was like, ‘Oh hey, my ego is going nuts, she’s so great and vibrant and talented, I’m screwed, I’ll never work again, goodbye yellow brick road.’”
The actress once confided her apprehension that she might never attain the same level of recognition as the celebrated Silver Lining Playbook star. Nevertheless, she eventually came to the realization that each actor is unique.

The Favourite can be rented or purchased on Google Play.

Source: Independent

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